
Monday, October 19, 2009

Snapshot Book Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter, #5) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The best of the bunch so far, if the wordiest and most easily edited-down. The characters are starting to show glimmers of person-ness, in spite of Harry's incessant griping and grousing, and I'm almost starting to care what happens to them. It's a pity it took ~5000 pages to get me to this point, but if in another 2000 pages Rowling leaves me with the yearning for more story (which of course doesn't exist), I may have to concede that the long literary journey was worthwhile.

Stay tuned.

View all my reviews >>


Mike S said...


ALG said...

Ha! There's clearly no pleasing you. Not that I was setting out to do that anyway :)