
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Snapshot Book Review: Gone Girl

Gone GirlGone Girl by Gillian Flynn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Incredible pace. Brilliant "don't trust the narrator" setup. Now here's the reason I couldn't give it that 5th star: the whole "mind f**k" came in the middle of the book. The MIDDLE. At that point, the stakes were so high, it was nearly inconceivable to raise them any higher. Yet Flynn had already delivered such a fast-paced, tension-filled narrative that I couldn't help but anticipate the next "OMG!" moment. Which, of course, never came.

There were of course some surprises and twists, but nothing remotely as mind-blowing as what happens midway through. Not even close. Which unfortunately left me disappointed at the end, because I had been craving another dive off of the narrative precipice. Alas, the book had to wrap up as neatly as it could. Not that I would be able to suggest a more fitting ending . . . but I don't think I wanted the ending to fit. I wanted to be shocked. Again.

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